Message from
the President
We aim to become a centennial company.
We will continue to create a better future based on history and trust.

It has already been 80 years since Ooyama was founded. With the shifting global situation and rise of AI in recent years, the world is changing more than ever before. But there is one thing that our company has valued since our founding. That is customer trust.

Because Ooyama is a trading company without its own brand, we have earned the trust of our customers by sincerely engaging with their requests, and exceeding their expectations. This is why we are building a system deeply aligned with our customers, in which sales staff not only propose products, but often even select suppliers and see the project through to delivery. As a result of the trust we have built, we get business inquiries from a wide range of industries from automotive to housing equipment. Consequently, this allows us to establish a business foundation that is less swayed by the business climate.

In addition to trust, another thing that I value as the 4th president of the company, is to listen to our employees. The people most sensitive to what society needs of us, are the employees out in the field interacting with customers. In the past, we have even been known to open a new sales office based on the opinion of a single salesman, and significantly changed the structure of our services. In order to better value the motivation and spirit of endeavor of each and every employee, we are paying more attention to changes in society and work-styles in the field. And we are also putting more effort into improving our internal systems.

Ooyama is sustained by the strength of our employees and many partner companies. This is why it is essential that we keep growing into the future. In the fall of 2024 we will open a new sales office in Himeji, as we expand our business towards our goal of 10 billion yen in annual sales. Moreover, as a company involved in manufacturing, we intend to further promote initiatives that are beneficial to the global environment.

As we look toward our 100th anniversary, we will continue striving to be the kind of company the world needs, and create a better future together with you all.

Hiroshi Ooyama, President and Representative Director

Trade name
OOYAMA Co., Ltd.
¥45 million
Fumio Ooyama, Chairman and Representative Director
Hiroshi Ooyama, President and Representative Director
Address (head office)
578-0934 2-1-2 Nishi, Tamakushi-cho, Higashiosaka City, Osaka


Description of
General production materials
Fastening components: Bolts, nuts, washers, etc.
Machined parts: Machining, forging, sheet metal working, pressing, welding, casting, assembly, etc.
We conduct business in various industries, including light electrical components, automobiles, housing equipment, construction machinery, machine tools, shipbuilding, and railroads.
Number of
Banks of account
Resona Bank, Fuseguchi Branch / Sumitomo Mitsui Bank, Kosaka Branch / Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ueroku Branch
and Policies
  • Ooyama aims to be a company that is truly trusted by our customers and society. We are deeply aware that companies are members of society, and through sound business activities, we are working to ensure sustainable development of society, which is made possible by achieving harmony between social/business activities and the global environment.
    ISO Information
    Ooyama has obtained ISO 9001 (quality) and ISO 14001 (environment) certification (qualification screening and registration).
    Scope of registration: Buying, selling, and production control of various industrial parts (screws, machined parts, etc.)
    Locations: Head office and sales offices
  • Quality Policy

    As the chief administrator of the company’s quality management system, the president has established the quality policy below. It includes our commitment to conforming to requirements and continually improving the effectiveness of the quality management system in keeping with our management philosophy of strengthening relationships of trust with customers and striving to contribute to society.At the same time, we aim for the success of our organization.

    We will deliver products that prove worthy of our customers’ trust

    1. We will establish annual quality targets and departmental quality targets as specific means of achieving the objectives of our quality policy.
    2. We will conduct regular customer surveys with the aim of ensuring customer satisfaction, including with respect to their unspoken expectations regarding quality.
    3. We will improve the skills of our employees through education and training to develop the human resources we need. We will also invest the necessary resources.
    4. We will establish the necessary performance (supplier management/quality assurance systems) to guarantee the quality of our products.
    5. We will ensure thorough implementation and make improvements through internal audits, management reviews, and other efforts.

    By implementing the policy above, we will continue to deliver products that meet customer requirements, and demonstrate that we are worthy of our customers’ trust.

  • Environmental Policy
    1. We will carry out our corporate activities in a manner that shows consideration for conservation of the global environmental. This is in line with our philosophy of co-existence with the local community through contributions to environmental conservation and the provision of products and technologies that contribute to the environment. We see this as our responsibility as a company that supplies fastening and precision functional parts.
    2. We will comply with applicable laws and regulations, as well as other requirements with which we agree.
    3. We will work to prevent pollution by reviewing and making continuous improvements to our business activities.
    4. We will establish and implement specific targets and objectives that reflect the various conditions of our business activities, and make necessary revisions.
    5. We will continually improve our EMS by conducting regular internal audits and management reviews to boost environmental performance.
    6. We will document this policy and thoroughly familiarize all our employees with it through internal postings, various meetings, etc. We will also make it public when requested.