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Privacy Policy

Ooyama Co., Ltd. is keenly aware of the importance of appropriately protecting the personal information of our customers and everyone that interacts with us. As such, we pledge to comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and laws and regulations related to protection of private information, and to be thorough in our efforts to properly protect, manage, handle and use personal information in accordance with the policy outlined below.

■ Collection of personal information
We may collect personal information to the extent that is necessary in the following situations.
• When you make inquiries to our company
• When you seek our company’s services

■ Intended use of personal information
We use personal information collected from customers for the following purposes.
• To respond to inquiries from customers
• To provide services requested by customers
• To distribute newsletters, and to disseminate information on seminars and events
• To improve the services on this website, and conduct analysis for considering provision of new services

■ Provision of personal information to third parties
We will not disclose the personal information we receive from customers to any third party without their permission, except in the following cases;
• We have obtained the customer’s consent
• If requested by a public agency, such as the police
• It is determined to be necessary based on the law

■ Disclosure and correction of personal information
We will comply with customer requests to disclose, correct, or cease use of their personal information.

■ Changes to our Privacy Policy
The contents of this policy are subject to change without notice, except in the case of laws and regulations or other matters thus specified in this policy.

■ Inquiries concerning our protection of private information
Website Administrator, OOYAMA Co., Ltd., General Affairs Department

  • 【When making an inquiry】

    • Corporate or private information shared with us through this site will not be used for any purpose other than to respond to your inquiries.
    • Depending on the content of your inquiry, it may take us several days to respond.
    • Please note that in some cases we may not be able to respond due to the content of the inquiry.
    • After you send your message, an automated reply will be immediately sent to the email address you entered into the form. If you do not receive this email, it may be because you entered the wrong email address into the form, or the email may have been blocked by your spam filter, if you are using a mobile phone. Please change your settings to allow emails from “”